Downloading files from Ruby on Rails

To offer files for download, use send_file.

def download(file)
  send_file file.path, :disposition => 'attachment'

Note that a send_file replaces the default :render action.

Hide your Selenium browser window with a VNC server

This is now part of geordi. Please don't follow the instructions below, if you use geordi.

Inspired by the recent headless Selenium note, I found yet another solution for the problem to hide your selenium tests away.

This has the advantages

  • not to require a gem (so you do not force this on others)
  • to allow you to take a look at the running webdriver if necessary

Simply make a script th...

Passenger booting Rails 3 application in wrong environment

Passenger gives you the possibility to define in which environment your app should be started.
This has to be added to the VirtualHost configuration for Apache for Rails 2 applications:

RailsEnv development

When running Rails 3, you need

RackEnv development

Firefox 3.6 truncates long tables when printing

Possible fixes:

  • Upgrade your Firefox. It's fixed in 5.0.
  • Hunt down funny float or overflow directives in your CSS.
  • Remove <h1> and <caption> tags in proximity of your table (seriously).

How to look at hidden X screens

When you have a program running in a hidden X screen (like with Xvfb for Selenium tests) you may want to look at that hidden screen occasionally.

First, find out what X displays are currently active:

netstat -nlp | grep X11

This should give you some results like these:

unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8029600  4086/Xvfb           /tmp/.X11-unix/X99
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8616     -     ...

simple_format helper for Javascript

The Javascript code below is a rough equivalent to the simple_format helper that ships with Rails:

function simpleFormat(str) {
  str = str.replace(/\r\n?/, "\n");
  str = $.trim(str);
  if (str.length > 0) {
    str = str.replace(/\n\n+/g, '</p><p>');
    str = str.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
    str = '<p>' + str + '</p>';
  return str;

Unlike the Rails helper, this does not preserve whitespace. You probably don't care.

Resque: Work off queues manually

If you're writing a spec for an application using Resque, you may need to work off queues manually without having an external worker running.

For this, you could use ResqueSpec which basically stubs away Resque completely.

If you don't want that, but more closely mimic what actually happens, use this instead:

module Resque

  def self.work_off(*queues)
    if queues.any? { |queue| peek(queue) }
      worker = Work...

Resque: Clearance authentication for dashboard

Resque comes with its own dashboard (Resque server) that you can mount inside your Rails 3 application with


require 'resque/server'

My::Application.routes.draw do
  # ...

  mount Resque::Server => '/resque'

Unfortunately, since this bypasses the filters in your ApplicationController, everyone can access this dashboard now (unless you have some Rack-based authentication in place, like Devise).

If you're using ...

How to hide your selenium browser window with "headless"

Note: While the solution in this card should still work, we prefer another solution now: Hide your Selenium browser window with a VNC server.

If you would like to hide the annoying selenium browser window that always gets the focus and prevents you from working, you can use the headless gem. This note provides some instructions how you can get it to work with your cucumber accepta...

A few hints when upgrading to Ruby 1.9

Note: If you are currently working with Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.3, we recommend to upgrade to Ruby 2.1 first. From our experience this upgrade is much smoother than the jump from 2.1 and 2.2, while still giving your the huge performance gains of Ruby 2. Also, if you're on Ruby 1.8.7, we recommend to skip a troublesome upgrade to 1.9.3 and go straight to 2.1.

When trying to make a Rails app run on Ruby 1.9, you're likely to encounter several issues. Here are a few solutions (obviously not exhaustive):

When running `bundle ...

Change file permissions with Ruby

You can say

File.chmod(0604, '/path/to/file') # rw----r--

The leading zero is meaningful.

Delete a Clearance session after some time of inactivity

This note describes how to kick a user out of a Rails application after she hasn't requested an action for a while. Note that this is different from deleting sessions some time after the last login, which is the default.

Also note that this is probably a bad idea. Most sites keep sessions alive forever because having to sign in again and again is quite inconvenient for users and makes your conversion rates go down the toilet. [The Clearance default is to keep sessions around for one year](

Rails 3: Sending tempfiles for download

When you create a temporary file (e.g. to store a generated Excel sheet) and try to send it to the browser from a controller, it won't work by default. Take this controller action:

class FoosController < ApplicationController
  def download
    file ='foo')
    file.puts 'foo'
    send_file file.path

Accessing this controller action will usually raise a 404 not found in the browser and the Apache log will say:

The given path was above the root path: xsendfile: ...

How to type accented characters on keyboard layouts without dead keys

Ubuntu comes with keyboard layouts like "Germany Eliminate Dead Keys", which are practical for programming.

If you need to type accented characters with such a layout, make sure to configure a Compose key. You can then look up which compose combo will produce the character you need.

E.g. you can type "á" by pressing Compose, ´, a.

Rails 3: Make "link_to :remote => true" replace HTML elements with jQuery

In Rails 2, you could use link_to_remote ... :update => 'id' to automatically replace the content of $('#id').

To do the same in Rails 3, include usual rails-ujs JavaScript, and put this into your application.js:

$(function() {
    .data('type', 'html')
    .live('ajax:success', function(event, data) {
      var $this = $(this);