Do not rescue inline in Ruby

When you are calling a method that may raise an exception that you don't care about, you might think of doing something like this:

@user = User.power_find(something) rescue

Do not do that! You will be rescuing away StandardError and all its subclasses, like NameError -- meaning that even a typo in your code won't raise an error.

Instead, rescue the exception type that you are expecting:

@user = begin

Gatekeeping: Guide for developer

Note: This process is tailored to our specific needs and tools at makandra. While it will certainly not apply to all (especially larger teams), we think it is a helpful starting point. Compare also the Gatekeeping: Guide for gatekeeper card.

In order to reduce the number of rejects we get from clients, we want to review all code written before it goes to the staging server.

If your project manager wants to do gatekeeping o...

ActiveRecord: When aggregating nested children, always exclude children marked for destruction

When your model is using a callback like before_save or before_validation to calculate an aggregated value from its children, it needs to skip those children that are #marked_for_destruction?. Otherwise you will include children that have been ticked for deletion in a nested form.

Wrong way

class Invoice < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :invoice_items
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :invoice_items, :allow_destroy => true # the critical code 1/2
  before_save :calculate_and_store_amount                              # the crit...

Don't compare datetimes with date ranges in MySQL and PostgreSQL

When selecting records in a date range, take care not to do it like this:

start_date = Date.parse('2007-05-01')
end_date = Date.parse('2007-05-31')
LogItem.where(:created_at => start_date .. end_date)

The problem is that created_at is a datetime (or Time in Ruby), while start_date and end_date are simple dates. In order to make sense of your query, your database will cast your dates to datetimes where the time component is 00:00:00. Because of this the query above will lose records created from `2007-05-31 00:00:0...

Use Time.current / Date.current / DateTime.current on projects that have a time zone

Basically, you now need to know if your project uses a "real" time zone or :local, and if config.active_record.time_zone_aware_attributes is set to false or not.

  • With time zones configured, always use .current for Time, Date, and DateTime.

    ActiveRecord attributes will be time-zoned, and .current values will be converted properly when written to the database.
    Do not use and friends. Timezone-less objects will not be converted properly when written to the database.

  • With no/local time zone use, `...

How to use html_safe correctly

Back in the war, Rails developers had to manually HTML-escape user-supplied text before it was rendered in a view. If only a single piece of user-supplied text was rendered without prior escaping, it enabled XSS attacks like injecting a <script> tag into the view of another user.

Because this practice was so error-prone, the rails_xss plugin was developed and later integrated into Rails 3. rails_xss follows a different approach: Instead of relying...

Invoices: How to properly round and calculate totals

While it might seem trivial to implement an invoice that sums up items and shows net, gross and vat totals, it actually involves a lot of rules and caveats. It is very easy to create invoices where numbers don't add up and a few cents are missing. A missing cent is a big deal for an accountant, so it is important for your invoices to list correct numbers.

Note that this is not legal advice. Also note that while this note has a number of code examples in Ruby and MySQL, the concepts apply to all programming languages and data stores.

When ...

Detect the current Rails environment from JavaScript or CSS

Detecting if a Javascript is running under Selenium WebDriver is super-painful. It's much easier to detect the current Rails environment instead.

You might be better of checking against the name of the current Rails environment. To do this, store the environment name in a data-environment of your <html>. E.g., in your application layout:

<html data-environment=<%= Rails.env %>>

Now you can say in a pi...

How to grep through the DOM using the Capybara API

When your Cucumber feature needs to browse the page HTML, and you are not sure how to express your query as a clever CSS or XPath expression, there is another way: You can use all and find to grep through the DOM and then perform your search in plain Ruby.

Here is an example for this technique:

Then /^I should see an image with the file...

Rails I18n fallback locales

When you need to create a locale for a language variant (like Austrian for German), you probably don't want to duplicate your entire de.yml file only to change a few minor exceptions for our Austrian friends.

Luckily, the I18n gem used by Rails has a fallback feature where you can make one locale file fall back to another if no translation is available.

In the example above you would have a config/locales/de_DE.yml:

  # hundreds of translations here

... and another lo...

Configuring ActionMailer host and protocol for URL generation

When you generate a URL in a mailer view, ActionMailer will raise an error unless you previously configured it which hostname to use.

There are two options to set the default_url_options of ActionMailer:

  1. Hardcoded solution (preferred solution when using Rails with ActiveJob/Sidekiq or Cronjobs)
  2. Dynamic solution

1. Hardcoded solution

When you are sending mails from outside the request cycle, e.g. ActiveJob/Sidekiq or Cronjobs, y...

Popular mistakes when using nested forms

Here are some popular mistakes when using nested forms:

  • You are using fields_for instead of form.fields_for.
  • You forgot to use accepts_nested_attributes in the containing model. Rails won't complain, but nothing will work. In particular, nested_form.object will be nil.
  • The :reject_if option lambda in your accepts_nested_attributes call is defined incorrectly. Raise the attributes hash given to your :reject_if lambda to see if it looks like you expect.
  • If you are nesting forms into nested forms, each model involved ne...

How to use Ubuntu in English, but still show German formats

If you want to have an English Ubuntu UI, but still see dates, money amounts, paper formats, etc. in German formats, you can fine-tune your /etc/default/locale like this:


Make sure you have both en...

Merging two arbitrary ActiveRecord scopes

(Rails has a method ActiveRecord::Relation#merge that can merge ActiveRecord scopes. However, its behavior has never been clear, and in Rails 7 it still discards conditions on the same column by the last condition. We discourage using #merge!)

The best way to merge ActiveRecord scopes is using a subquery:

scope_a.where(id: scope_b)

It is a little less concise than #merge, but unambiguous.


Assume a model where a deal has many documents:

class Deal < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :...

Git: Advisory for cherry-picks to production branches

We often have a separate production branch that lags a bit behind the more cutting edge main branch. Sometimes you want to move some, but not all commits from main to production. This can be done with a git cherry-pick.

However, this may lead to considerable pain later, since git does not understand the commits are actually "the same". Hazards are unnecessary and hard to resolve conflicts as well as incorrect auto-merges.

In order to avoid this, always merge the production branch back to the main after the cherry-pick. Even t...

Use find_in_batches or find_each to deal with many records efficiently

Occasionally you need to do something directly on the server -- like having all records recalculate something that cannot be done in a migration because it takes a long time.

Let's say you do something like this:


Even though you may have been successful with this on your development machine or the staging server, keep in mind that production machines often hold a lot more records. Using all may just work, even with lots of records, but when you iterate over such records and fetch a...

How DECIMAL columns deal with numbers exceeding their precision or scale

When storing floating-point numbers such as prices or totals in an SQL database, always use a DECIMAL column. Never use FLOAT or kittens will die.

DECIMAL columns are parametrized with a precision and a scale. These parameters describe which numbers can be stored in that column. E.g. a decimal with a precision of 5 and a scale of 2 can store numbers from -999.99 to 999.99, but not 1000 or 1.234.

This card explains what various databases do when you try to store a number in a DECIMAL field, and that number exceeds that colum...

Cancelling event propagation

Within an event handler, there are multiple methods to cancel event propagation, each with different semantics.

  • event.preventDefault()

    Only prevents the default browser behavior for the click, i.e. going to a different url or submitting a form.

    When invoked on a touchstart event, this also prevents mouse events like click to be triggered.

  • event.stopPropagation()

    Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM.

  • `

ActiveRecord: Creating many records works faster in a transaction

When you need to insert many records into the same table, performance may become an issue.

What you can do to save time is to open a transaction and save multiple records within that transaction:

transaction do
  500.times { Model.create! }

Although you will still trigger 500 INSERT statements, they will complete considerably faster.

When I tried it out with a simple model and 500 iterations, the loop completed in 1.5 seconds vs. 6 seconds without a transaction.


Another fast way to insert many ...

Why two Ruby Time objects are not equal, although they appear to be

So you are comparing two Time objects in an RSpec example, and they are not equal, although they look equal:

expected: Tue May 01 21:59:59 UTC 2007,
     got: Tue May 01 21:59:59 UTC 2007 (using ==)

The reason for this is that Time actually tracks fractions of a second, although #to_s doesn't say so and even though you probably only care about seconds. This means that two consecutive calls of probably return two inequal values.

Consider freezing time in your tests so it is not dependent on the speed of the executi...

Defining class methods with Modularity traits

There are two ways to define a class method from a Modularity trait. Note that the usual caveats regarding class method visibility apply.

Using define_method

The recommended way is to define a method on your module's singleton class:

module SomeTrait
  as_trait do
    define_singleton_method :foo do
      # ...

Using def (has...

Testing if two date ranges overlap in Ruby or Rails

A check if two date or time ranges A and B overlap needs to cover a lot of cases:

  1. A partially overlaps B
  2. A surrounds B
  3. B surrounds A
  4. A occurs entirely after B
  5. B occurs entirely after A

This means you actually have to check that:

  • neither does A occur entirely after B (meaning A.start > B.end)
  • nor does B occur entirely after A (meaning B.start > A.end)

Flipping this, A and B overlap iff A.start <= B.end && B.start <= A.end

The code below shows how to implement this in Ruby on Rails. The example is a class `Interv...

How to define constants with traits

When defining a trait using the Modularity gem, you must take extra steps to define constants to avoid caveats (like when defining subclasses through traits).


In traits, always define constants with explicit self.

If your trait defines a constant inside the as_trait block, it will be bound to the trait module, not the class including the trait.
While this may seem unproblematic at first glance, it becomes a problem when including trai...

Don't mix Array#join and String#html_safe

You cannot use Array#join on an array of strings where some strings are html_safe and others are not. The result will be an unsafe string and will thus be escaped when rendered in a view:

unsafe_string = '<span>foo</span>'
safe_string = '<span>bar</span>'.html_safe
[unsafe_string, safe_string].join(' ') # will incorrectly render as '&lt;span&gt;foo&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span&t;bar&lt;/span&gt;'


The solution is not to call html_safe on the joined array and if you thought it would be, you [don't understand how XSS prot...