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Set the accept-language of Chrome in selenium tests

Christoph Beck
May 10, 2012Software engineer

You can set the resolution and user agent used in selenium tests with chrome with the method described in this card, but you can also set the accept-language and other profile settings Show snapshot if you do this:

# features/support/chrome.rb
require "selenium/webdriver"

Capybara.register_driver :chrome320x480 do |app|
  args = []
  args << "--window-size=320,480"
  profile =
  profile["intl.accept_languages"] = "en", :browser => :chrome, :args => args, :profile => profile)
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This does not just apply for Chrome, it also works for other browsers such as Firefox.
You might have to find out about other key value pairs. For firefox there is a list here Show snapshot .
Anyway, the following setting is the same for firefox:

profile =
profile["intl.accept_languages"] =  "de-DE", :browser => :firefox, :args => args, :profile => profile)
Posted by Christoph Beck to makandra dev (2012-05-10 14:18)