Spec "content_for" calls in helpers

Posted About 12 years ago. Visible to the public.

This only applies to RSpec below version 1.3.2. The issue has been fixed in RSpec 1.3.2, and most likely RSpec 2 and later versions.

When you have a helper that calls content_for and want to check its behavior you should probably write a feature instead. If you still want to do it, mind the following.

Consider this helper:

module LayoutHelper
  def title(string)
    content_for :title, string

Somewhere in the layout we'd then say something like this: <title><%= yield :title %></title>.

Inspecting prepared content for content_for

If you want to inspect what the helper prepared for the view, you need to hack a bit:

it 'should work'
  helper.title('Hello Universe')
  helper.instance_variable_get('@content_for_title').should == 'Hello Universe'

Unfortunately, this may only work once. RSpec instanciates the helper object only once, thus keeping instance variables -- and since content_for always attaches, any second spec will break looking at @content_for_title.

Checking this more than once

When your application is up, you will actually get a fresh helper attached to the view each time your content is being rendered. We want something similar, so we define our own helper object:

let :helper do
  Spec::Rails::Example::HelperExampleGroup::HelperObject.new.tap do |helper|
    helper.send :extend, LayoutHelper

it 'should work'
  helper.title('Hello Universe')
  helper.instance_variable_get('@content_for_title').should == 'Hello Universe'

it 'should still work'
  helper.title('Hello World')
  helper.instance_variable_get('@content_for_title').should == 'Hello World'

This applies to Rails 2. Maybe RSpec 2 / Rails 3 are smarter.

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Over 11 years ago
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-03-05 15:36)