Git: Moving a commit between repositories

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If you want to move a complete commit from one repository to another (and you don't want to add it as a remote), you can use these steps:

Create a patch

In the source repository, create a patch based on the commit by running

git format-patch SHA1_OF_COMMIT~..SHA1_OF_COMMIT # Note the ~
git format-patch HEAD~ # Shortcut for the latest commit

This will create a .patch file that describes this commit.

Apply the patch

In the target repository, restore the commit from the patch file with

git am -3way path/to.patch

Should this fail, you can fall back to only applying the diff. This way, you will need to create a new commit yourself.

git apply path/to.patch --reject

The parts that could not be applied cleanly end up in .rej files. Take care of those manually.

Also see Git: How to create and apply patches.

Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2012-01-30 12:38)