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Sanitize user-generated filenames and only send files inside a given directory

Thomas Eisenbarth
March 21, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH

If in your application your users pass along params that result in filenames, like invoices/generated?number=123. This could be your (very careless) controller method:

def generated
  send_file File.join(Rails.root, 'shared', 'invoices', params[:number])
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This allows your users not only to access those files but also any files your application can read, like this:

# => send_file '/etc/passwd'

You do not want this. In most cases you should prefer a show method that does not open files directly from the file system -- the following is for those rare cases in which you can not do that.

First, check if the requested file is actually at the place you would want it to be and only send it if that is the case.

You can use the following trait Show snapshot and always call send_file_inside with the parent directory of the files as the first parameter, like so:

send_file_inside File.join(Rails.root, 'shared', 'invoices'), params[:number]

Do not use only Rails.root -- this would allow access to config/environment.rb and other sensitive data inside your application's directory.

Put this into app/controllers/shared/send_file_inside_trait.rb:

module ApplicationController::SendFileInsideTrait
  as_trait do


    def send_file_inside(allowed_path, filename, options = {})
      path = File.expand_path(File.join(allowed_path, filename))
      if path.match'^' + Regexp.escape(allowed_path))
        send_file path, options
        raise 'Disallowed file requested'


Here is the spec that goes along with it:

require 'spec_helper'

describe ApplicationController do

  describe '#send_file_inside' do

    let(:path) { '/opt/invoices/' }

    it 'should send a requested file that lives beneath the given directory' do
      subject.should_receive(:send_file).with('/opt/invoices/123.pdf', {})
      subject.send :send_file_inside, path, '123.pdf'

    it 'should raise an error if a file outside the given directory was requested' do
      subject.should_not_receive :send_file
      lambda{ subject.send :send_file_inside, path, '../../etc/passwd' }.should raise_error('Disallowed file requested')

    it 'should work with subdirectories' do
      subject.should_receive(:send_file).with('/opt/invoices/2011/001.pdf', {})
      subject.send :send_file_inside, path, '2011/001.pdf'

    it 'should pass along given options to the send_file method' do
      subject.should_receive(:send_file).with('/opt/invoices/123.pdf', :given_options)
      subject.send :send_file_inside, path, '123.pdf', :given_options


Thomas Eisenbarth
March 21, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH
Posted by Thomas Eisenbarth to makandra dev (2011-03-21 12:34)