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Alternative to url_for's deprecated :overwrite_params option

Ulrich Berkmueller
March 15, 2011Software engineer

If you have the following deprecation warning after upgrading to rails >= 2.3.10

DEPRECATION WARNING: The :overwrite_params option is deprecated. Specify all the necessary parameters instead.
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that is for example caused by

url_for( :overwrite_params => { :order => 'name', :dir => 'asc' } )

you can fix this by using params.merge {:my_param_to_overwrite => 'foo' }.
To fix the example above the code could look like:

url_for( params.merge { :order => 'name', :dir => 'asc' } )


link_to uses url_for internally, so you can can use params.merge { ... } as the second parameter of link_to.

Posted by Ulrich Berkmueller to makandra dev (2011-03-15 08:37)